Past Productions
The Spirit of the Season
The Gift of Song
December 22nd - 23rd
Rehearsal for Murder
Consider This Theatre Company
December 8th - 17th
Opening Night from Hell
Total Party Kill
December 1st - 2nd
The Code Breaker
November 10th - 19th
Murder on the Orient Express
Bravo Boro
October 13th - 22nd​
Consider This Theatre Company
September 14th - October 1st
Kimberly Akimbo
Bravo Boro
August 11th - 20th
The Marvelous Wonderettes
The Gift of Song
July 28th - 30th
Into the Woods
The Gift of Song
July 21st - 23rd
Portrait of a Young Man
Ghost Light Studio
July 14th - 15th
Advocacy in Musical Theatre Class
Ghost Light Studio
July 14th -
September 15th
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Parfait Studios
July 13th - 14th
MLT Summer Camps Session 2
Murfreesboro Little Theatre
June 19th - 23rd
MLT Summer Camp Seesion 1
Murfreesboro Little Theatre
June 12th - 16th
Disney's Beauty and
the Beast
Consider This Theater Co.
June 9th - 25th
Giants in the Sky
Parfait Studios
May 24th - 26th​
Barefoot in the Park
Bravo Boro
May 12th - May 21st
Pygmalion, of a Fashion
Ghost Light Studio
May 5th - 14th
Parfait Studios
April 29th - 30th
Caper Elementary
Consider This Theatre Company
April 7th - 15th
Anatomy of a Murder
Bravo Boro
March 24th - April 2nd
Murfreesboro Little Theatre
March 10th - 19th
Musical Theatre
Dance Class
Ghost Light Studio
March 6th - 20th
The Curious Savage
Bravo Boro
February 24th -
March 5th
Improv Club
Ghost Light Studio
February 23rd - December 21st
Parfait Studios
January 27th - 29th
Peter Pan Jr.
Murfreesboro Little Theatre
January 19th -
February 4th